Brännboll Standard
Brännboll Standard

Brännboll Standard

20 €
No summer without a game of Brännboll with friends and family!   2 rackets 1 ball   A brännboll-set that gives you everything you need to be able to play. The set contains two rackets, one round and one flat, and a ball. The only thing you need is to gather a bunch of friends and family, find a large field and measure out the playfield in a big square with a cone in evey corner. Brännboll is played with two teams and one team starts 'in' and one 'out'.   This is how we play brännboll: The 'in'-team lines upp on one side and will one at a time try to hit the ball as long as possible with one of the rackets. You have three tries and if you can not get away the ball on these tries you have to go to the first cone and get 1 point. The goal is to make a whole lap, i.e. run past all the cones in the square and come back in the line, that gives 10 points. You can run as far as you want on your hit as long as you can stop next to a cone before the 'out'-team burns you. That is their first goal so the 'in'-team will get as few points as possible on their hits. The 'out'-team spreads out on the fireld and choose a burner that often stands close to the 'in'-teams line. When the ball has been hit is the first misson for the 'out'-team to catch the ball, which gives them points, then they are going to throw the ball to the burner as fast as possible and scream 'burned'. If one of the 'in'-teams players are in the middle of two cones, he or she will be burned and have to go back to the cone before and the 'out'-team get points. Then you switch the in and out team and play again. Most points win! The point-system can be made up before.